Hot weather outside, but you don’t want to go out to have an Ice Cream well. Here is a recipe for the easy and low-cost Ice Cream which anyone can make within minutes and that too without any special equipment and just a few ingredients. Thinking about the churning effect for which most recipe books ask the special equipment to produce it well, we have a break for that too. Yes, you can simulate the churning effect of ice cream maker by shaking, swinging, and tossing around the ingredients inside a tightly sealed zip lock bag for a specified period.
Material Required:
- Milk
- Bowl
- Sugar
- Vanilla (or any other flavor you like)
- Ice
- Salt
- Ziplock bag
Cooking Method:
1) Mix milk, sugar, and vanilla in a small plastic bag according to the serving required and form a vacuum inside it.
2) Concurrently mix salt and ice in another plastic pouch. Since adding salt to the ice lowers its freezing point by more than two Fahrenheit due to which the ice cream solution is chilled and can be made tastier when because of the lower temperature.
3) Place the little plastic freezer container inside the larger plastic freezer bag in which we mixed salt and ice. After that, create a vacuum inside both the bags to make sure no two liquid solutions of each bag are mixed.
4) Stagger the bag vigorously for 5 minutes to create the churning effect until the liquid inside the small container is frozen.
5) Add some more amount of ice to the outside of the bag and wait for sometime
6) Open them up and scoop out the ice-cream and eat immediately
Also, instead of milk, you can use yogurt + milk, cream + milk, coconut milk, milk + fruit juice, chocolate syrup as per your taste and rest, the recipe will remain the same nothing else has to be changed. Also, remember to create the vacuum properly in both the bags; otherwise, the salt can get inside the solution. The plastic bag which is used should be the freezer bags as they are more durable, more substantial than the regular-sized, and prevent possible leakage of salt into the solution and vice versa.
The chilled ice cream is ready to serve immediately; you can also add some further topping over it of dry fruits, cherry, chocolate syrup, strawberry syrups, etc. to make your ice cream more flavorsome.